Quartz Properties


Typical Value

Density 2.2 x 103 kg/m3
Hardness 5.5 – 6.5 Mohs’ Scale 570 KHN 100
Design Tensile Strength 4.8 x 107 Pa (N/m2) (7,000 psi)
Design Compressive Strength Greater than 1.1 x 109 Pa (160,000 psi)
Bulk Modulus 3.7 x 1010 Pa (5.3 x 106 psi)
Rigidity Modulus 3.1 x 1010 Pa (4.5 x 106 psi)
Young’s Modulus 7.2 x 1010 Pa (10.5 x 106 psi)
Poisson’s Ratio 0.17
Coef of Thermal Expansion (20 °C – 320 °C) 5.5 x 10-7 cm/cm • °C
Thermal Conductivity at 20°C 1.4 W/m • °C
Specific Heat at 20 °C 670 J/kg • °C
Softening Point 1683 °C
Annealing Point 1215 °C
Strain Point 1120 °C
Electrical Resistivity at 350 °C 7 x 107 Ω • cm
Dielectric Properties at 20 °C and 1 MHz
Constant 3.75
Strength 5 x 107 V/m
Loss Factor Less than 4 x 10-4
Dissipation Factor Less than 1 x 10-4
Index of Refraction 1.4585
Constringence (Nu value) 67.56
Velocity of Sound-Shear Wave 3.75 x 103 m/s
Velocity of Sound/Compression Wave 5.90 x 103 m/s
Sonic Attentuation Less than 11 db/m MHz
Typical properties are average data and should not be used as or to develop product specifications. For more technical information about properties of fused quartz please visit www.momentivetech.com/